PSPC Statement on InVEST Campaign

The Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities (PSPC) supports the broad goals of the InVEST campaign to reduce violence in Chicago through effective and sustained community programs.

InVEST’s broad goals reflect the objectives of PSPC, a coalition of 40 funders and foundations established in 2016 and united by a multifaceted approach toward reducing gun violence in Chicago. PSPC supports a variety of strategies:

  • Street Outreach and Transitional Jobs;
  • Police Reform and Community Engagement;
  • Sensible Approaches to Reducing Availability and use of Guns; and
  • Rapid-Response Fund for Community Safety and Peace.
PSPC funders have committed more than $50 million to support these strategies and make Chicago safer for all. PSPC is optimistic that the investments are beginning to show signs of helping to reduce gun violence and contributing to better relations between police and residents.

However, philanthropic investments cannot be sustained at this level over the long term. Our hope is that after this infusion of early-stage private sector and foundation funding and testing, the most promising, evidence-based solutions to reduce violence and transform police-community relations could be replicated and scaled with an infusion of sustained public funding.

The Mayor’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention is a good first step, and we supported the conversations to create the framework for a Community Commission to advise that office. The office must be empowered to implement a plan that incorporates the promising solutions — including jobs, counseling and trauma support for families, and street outreach to mediate conflict — that are being tested through PSPC.

With a new mayor coming to City Hall in May, we have an opportunity to create a comprehensive citywide violence reduction plan, informed by evidence and strengthened by collaboration.