WBEZ reporting team assesses initial progress on solutions to Chicago gun violence
“Chicagoans deserve solutions to the crisis.”
That’s how WBEZ’s Every Other Hour reporting team explains its piece assessing the initial impact of government, philanthropic, and community responses to Chicago’s gun violence epidemic. While acknowledging the difficulty in measuring progress at this point, WBEZ’s team says “it’s important to try” given the depth of the crisis.
“This year opened with gun violence in Chicago as high as last year, when a person was shot nearly every other hour,” WBEZ writes. “The rate of shootings has slowed in recent months. The year-to-date shooting victim tally, almost 3,500, is down 18 percent from last year but remains higher than any other year going back more than a decade.”
The public media organization asks: “Two years into Chicago’s surge in gun violence, WBEZ asks: What’s being tried, is it working, and what’s next.”
To learn what WBEZ found, read here. And you’ll find more about its “Every Other Hour” project here.