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At the close of the 2018 Safe & Peaceful Chicago grant cycle, we asked select grant recipients to offer words of reflection about their work and the larger mission of the Initiative. Gloria Smith, executive director, The Black Star Project, used her 2018 grant funding to support financial literacy and wealth-building programs for teens this summer. “The older I

Sustainable change of any kind requires meaningful, collaborative investments and partnerships between the public and private sectors. Members of the Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities are optimistic that the investments made over the last two years are beginning to show signs of helping to reduce gun violence and contributing to better relations between police and

At the close of the 2018 Safe& Peaceful Chicago grant cycle, we asked select grant recipients to offer words of reflection about their work and the larger mission of the Initiative. Ceola C. Henderson-Bryant, president/CEO, C.B.R. Tranquility Development Home NFP, used her 2018 grant funding to support a series of summer events for youth. Her nonprofit also

Six youth media organizations worked with The Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities to help showcase the work of our 2018 grantees: Community TV Network Homan Grown, Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) District Garden Kalapriya Foundation Center for Indian Performing Arts, "End Violence: Ahimsa" program (behind-the scenes and the full final performance) Local-Motions, "See My Peace" Port Ministries, storytelling workshops Nobel

At the close of the 2018 Safe& Peaceful Chicago grant cycle, we asked select grant recipients to offer words of reflection about their work and the larger mission of the Initiative. Lisa D. Daniels, founder, the Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices, used her 2018 grant funding to produce and host a summit dedicated to truth and forgiveness.   The

Safe and Peaceful grantee North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council (NLCC), held a tree planting in Unity Park to commemorate community organizer Arthur L. Fair III. The park was founded by area residents who, with support from multiple community partners, maintain and landscape the space so it may serve as a gathering place for both recreation and

Safe & Peaceful grantee FOUS Youth Development helps kids be superheroes for their community A couple of Wonder Women, a Black Panther or two, and a fairy ladybug decided to stand up against violence in their community. Their wings and weapons may have been fabric and costumes, but nonetheless, the children participating in the 4 Us Youth Development (FOUS) "Everyone

Safe & Peaceful grantees embrace the power of partnership Ending the cycle of violence one community at a time is the goal for both Peace Makers Worldwide and A Work of Faith Ministries, who have come together as The Violence Prevention Consortium, or VPC. Together, the organizations want to cease the violence in Chatham, with a focus